In "Shading" set Angle and Altitude to 90 degrees, Gloss contour to "Cone - Inverted" (looks like an upside down white triangle), Highlight mode to Multiply, highlight color set to black, opacity set to 100%, Shadow mode set to Normal, shadow color set to white, opacity set to 100% (you can lower it for the bevel to take on some of the matte color). In "Structure" set style to inner bevel, technique to Chisel Hard, Depth to 300%, Direction Down, Size the same as your stroke size in step #3 and soften to 0.ġ0. Click on the "Bevel and Emboss" option (about half way up the layer styles).ĩ. Click on the color swatch and make it medium gray ( RGB 128,128,128 ).Ĩ. At the bottom select the "Stroke" option, enter some nominal pixel size (30 for a 0.1" stroke on a 300dpi image).ħ. Also, you can reposition the opening (rectangle) and the image independent of each other.ģ.
Your image should now be clipped to the size of the rectangle. While holding the Alt key (option for Mac?) click on the line between the layer with the rectangle and the layer with the picture. Draw a rectangle, then using the transform tools make it precisely the size you want (5x5 or 10x10).Ħ. Select the Rectangle tool and make white your foreground color.ĥ. Paste the image you want to matte above the matte layer.Ĥ. Create a new document, fill the bottom layer with the matte color you want.Ģ.
(sorry for the encyclopedia that follows)ġ. OK, I think I've got this silly thing licked but who knows if I can explain it. I don't know why I'm finding it so difficult, I must be missing a step or something. Once you have your finished image, you can change the background as many times as you like and should only have to make minimal adjustments to your subject.I've been trying unsuccessfully to do it on my end. You can see this on the ‘ hair color’ layer of the PSD we’ve provided for you. Then create a new layer and color over the hair, changing the blending mode to ‘ soft light’ and dipping the opacity. You can also use the Spot Healing Tool and Clone Tool to cover over any anomalies. It’s wise to duplicate your layer for this, so you can work non-destructively. Use Burn on the hair where you see any ‘halo-ing’ or lighter patches. You’ll see the cutting out isn’t perfect, so time to further refine it.Ĭlick on the layer mask, and using a soft brush, bring back any lost detail and erase any obvious parts of the old background.
This will output your selection to a transparent background with a layer mask for non-destructive editing.Īdd your desired new background between your current (hidden) background layer and your recently cut out image. Then output your selection to new layer with layer mask. If there’s some colour bleed on your image, you can tick decontaminate colours and see if that helps. I’ve changed the view to on black so you can see the refinements more easily. Shift Edge – moves your edge in or out, in a similar way to the radius.Too much of this can have the same problem as the smooth tool, so again, use it sparingly. Feather – the idea of feathering is to better blend the transition between your subject and transparency.As a result, this can make everything look a little soft, so use it sparingly, if at all. Smooth – this takes the rough edges away.This is particularly useful for elements like hair, which may have been tricky to cut around. Refine Radius is a brush that lets you add or remove areas of refinement. In our example, we have a good mix of hard edges (the jumper and top of hairline) and soft ones (the wisps of hair). Move the slider until so you keep some detail, but the ‘edge’ naturally tapers off. The algorithm takes into account the number of pixels you select and makes a decision about whether the edge is hard (an easier selection) or soft. Under Edge Detection, ‘ Smart Radius’ lets you increase or decrease your selection area. Ticking Show Radius shows you which bits of your edge selection are being changed. This doesn’t need to be perfect, as we’ll look at refining the edge next.Ĭhange the ‘ view’ mode to overlay or other suitable mode, so that you can see what you’re doing. Using the Quick Selection Tool (W), select your subject.